• Learning Resources and Student Services:

     After School Program - Forms are available in the front office to sign up - Offered every day from the end of school to 5:30pm - Bus transportation available (when students are back at school). Contact is Kristy Cotrufo (kcotrufo@skusd.k12.ca.us)

    After School Credit Retrieval - Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays for credit deficient students (ijanzen@skusd.k12.ca.us)

    Academic Counseling - Available Monday through Friday in Room 30 with Mrs. Janzen, School Counselor (ijanzen@skusd.k12.ca.us)


    MATH ACADEMYTMS will be offering an in-person Math Academy to students. This program will be Tuesday and Thursday each week from 3:15 to 5:15pm. The parents must arrange student transportation. Please notify the office if you would like your child to attend the TMS Math Academy or you can email Mrs. Janzen at ijanzen@skusd.k12.ca.us


    To inquire about these helpful resources and services please contact the TMS office 661-256-5040

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