Business Office
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- Child Nutrition RFP
Q: When is payday?
A: The monthly payday for district employees is the last working day of the month as defined by Kern County Superintendent of Schools. All substitute, stipend, and any other extracurricular pay is paid on the 10th of the month (unless the 10th falls on a weekend, or holiday. Then payday is the preceding workday). See attached for payday schedules and corresponding payroll periods.
Q: Where do I pick up my paycheck?
A: Regular district employees can pick up their paychecks at their work sites. When the district is closed for recess periods, paychecks will be available for pick up at the District Office (please check with Payroll for office hours during recess periods and holidays). All substitute employees paychecks are available for pick up from the District Office for 5 days. Any substitute checks held onto beyond 5 days will be mailed via USPS.
Q: How many paychecks do Classified/Confidential employees receive?
A: 12 and 11 month employees will receive 12 paychecks (July-June). 10 month employees will receive 11 paychecks (August – June) with a portion taken out for Summer Deferral that is released back to employees the payroll after their contract terminates, or in July whichever is sooner.
Q: How many paychecks do Certificated employees receive?
A: Administrators, psychologists, and MFTs will receive 12 paychecks (July – June). Teachers, and guidance counselors will receive 11 paychecks (August – June) with a portion taken out for Summer Deferral that is released back to employees the payroll after their contract terminates or in July whichever is sooner.
Q: What is "equal" pay?
A: Equal pay is how the district compensates regular district employees. Equal pay is the process of taking your regular annual base salary and dividing it by the number of paychecks your contract would receive in a full year. This effectively makes each paycheck you receive the same monthly salary amount, regardless of the number of days worked in a given month. Employees that begin after the start of a new school year, have their hours per day adjusted, or transfer to a new position will see that the first check after the change in status may be different. This will allow the district to maintain the equal payment for the duration of the school year while staying in compliance with PERS and STRS reporting standards.
Q: I am a Substitute Employee who subs in Classified positions, how is overtime determined?
A: Classified Substitute Employees are covered under the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). The FLSA states, "employees must be paid at least one and one-half (1.5) times their regular rate of pay for all hours physically worked over forty (40) in a workweek or eight (8) hours in a workday.
Q: How many accounts am I eligible to make a direct deposit?
A: District employees and substitutes can only set up one (1) account for direct deposit.
Q: How do I make Direct Deposit changes?
A: Please contact the Business Office at (661) 256-5000 x1110 to make a change to your direct deposit.
Q: What is Supplemental Pay?
A: Supplemental hours are hours worked in excess of your base. Your base hours are paid for as part of your regular work assignment each month. If you work hours beyond your regular work schedule, you will want to submit those hours on a Supplemental timesheet to be paid.
Q: When are Supplemental Timesheets due?
A: Supplemental Timesheets are typically due on the 21st of each month. Supplemental work done from June 22-30th should be put on a timesheet and turned in on June 30th to avoid having payment cross from one fiscal year into the next. Please make sure your timesheets are submitted according to the deadlines on the Payroll Schedule. Late timesheets will be held until the following month for payment. Click here for a list of the scheduled paydays for Supplemental Timesheets.
Q: What is the reporting period for Supplemental Timesheets?
A: The reporting period for Supplemental Timesheets typically runs from the 21st to the 20th. (ex: September 21st - October 20th). The only exception is the period of July 1st – 20th. As the June 21st – 30th time should be accounted for earlier to avoid the above-mentioned crossing of fiscal years.
Q: How do I change my Federal/State tax withholding?
A: Employees can change their Federal and State tax withholding by completing a new W-4 Form and submitting it to Payroll. If you need to claim a different withholding allowance for the State, you will also need to complete a new DE-4 Form. Online calculators exist to help you determine your Federal and State tax liability. Payroll also recommends consulting your tax advisor for guidance. Employees claiming more than ten (10) exemptions and employees making more than $200 per week who claim exempt status are required to have their W-4/DE-4 reported to the State. The original W-4 Form and/or DE-4 Form must be submitted to Payroll before changes can be made.
Q: I am a regular employee with a mid-month check. Why can’t I change my withholdings until the next end of month check?
A: The end of month checks regular employees receive and the mid-month supplemental check are reported in the same period. (ex: August 31st paycheck and September 10th pay check are both reported in the August 31st reporting period to the IRS), the payroll system cannot process multiple withholdings in the same reporting period. As a result, employees that want to change their withholdings must do so before their end of month checks for the month prior to the mid-month process.
Q: How may I obtain a copy of a prior year W-2 Form(s)?
A: Please contact the Payroll Department for assistance. Please allow sufficient time to process your request. Once Payroll has completed your request, you can pick-up the form from the District Office or have it mailed to you at the address the district has on file for you.
Q: How may I obtain a copy of my previously issued paystub(s)?
A: Please contact the Payroll Department for assistance. Please allow sufficient time to process your request. Once Payroll has completed your request, you can pick-up the copies from the District Office or have it mailed to you at the address the district has on file for you.
Q: I recently got married/divorced. How do I change my name with the district?
A: Employers are required to use the employee's legal name (as it appears on their Social Security Card) for reporting purposes. To legally change your name with the district, you will need to complete Form SS-5 to apply for a new Social Security Card. When you receive your new Social Security Card, bring it to Human Resources along with your Driver’s License to process your name change.
Q: I recently moved. How do I change my address and/or telephone number?
A: Please contact Human Resources to receive a Change of Personal Data Form.
Q: How do I make changes to my TSA - 403(b), 457(b)?
A: SKUSD utilizes SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union as a third-party administrator for 403(b) and 457(b) plans. For instructions on how to change your TSA, please contact SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union by phone at 1-800-462-8328 ext. 4727.
Q: What are your normal office hours?
A: Payroll hours are normally 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the school year.
Payroll Forms & Information
2024 W-4 Form
2024 W-4 Form
CA DE-4 Employee Payroll Tax Withholding Form
California payroll tax withholding election form for employees. If a DE-4 is not completed, state withholdings will default to federal withholding.
Summer Deferral Memo
An explanation of what Summer Deferral is and how it works.
CSESAP Enrollment Form - English
Enrollment for Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program
CSESAP Enrollment Form - Spanish
Enrollment for Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program Spanish Version
Combined Payroll Schedules
End of Month and Mid-Month Payroll Schedules for 2024-2025
End of Month Payroll Schedule
End of Month Payroll Schedule for 2024-2025
Mid-Month Payroll Schedule
Mid-Month Payroll Schedule for 2024-2025
Tax Shelter Annuity Vendor List
List of approved vendors for TSAs
SchoolsFirst Contact's Sheet
Contact and hours of operation information
SchoolsFirst Plan Administration Participant Contacts Sheet.pdf 86.68 KB (Last Modified on October 7, 2023)