
    The District Advisory Council involves parents, staff, and students in the planning, development and evaluation of Title I and State Compensatory Education (SCE) programs and services in the district.  DACs are required to certify that the LEAs Consolidated Application for specified categorical funds, including, but not limited to school-based coordinated categorical programs, compensatory education programs, and EIA programs, was developed with review and advice from the committee.


    The SKUSD District Advisory council shall include a broad representation of the parent population served by the district and schools, including socio-economic and ethnic groups represented in the district attendance area. Each school site shall be invited to select a member of the school site council to be on the SKUSD District Advisory Council.  Parents will constitute a majority of the membership, and will be elected by parents of pupils participating in a program of Title I and Compensatory Education.  All meetings shall be open to the public, and all are welcome to attend.


    School Districts receiving Title I and State Compensatory Education (SCE) are required to establish a district advisory committee (DAC) and a school site council for each school site for the purpose of advising districts and schools regarding compensatory education programs.  Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, section 4423 sets forth the obligation of LEAs that receive SCE funds to establish a DAC. Section 4423 states:  Each participating school district shall establish a district advisory council and shall also establish a school site council at each participating school. Advisory councils established pursuant to this article shall comply with the ESEA, Title I, law and regulations pertaining to advisory councils.

    Legal References:

    California Education Code Sections 52012, 52851, 52852, 54425 and 64001 (a)

    California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5, Section 4423

District Advisory Council (DAC) Meeting Agendas