Business Office

  • The Business Department will provide the highest quality fiscal management to support all students reaching their highest potential. Our mission is to improve the quality of service to our students, employees, vendors, and community, through timely communication, accurate fiscal data and effective use of resources. Department responsibilities include:

    • Accurate accounting records of all revenues and expenditures
    • Budgetary controls and oversight
    • Financial reporting to local, state and federal entities
    • Timely and accurate payment of all employees and vendors
    • Provide assistance to school sites and program managers in the areas of budget and accounting

    Chief Business Officer Oversees:

    • District Budget Administration
    • Business Office
    • Risk Management
    • Accounts Receivables/Payables
    • Purchasing
    Office Hours
    Monday - Friday
    7:30 am to 4:00 pm
    FAX: 661-256-7074 
    except on Holidays



  • Robert Irving
    Chief Business Officer
    Camie Davies
    Accounting/Business Support
    (661) 256-5000 x 1123
    Talia Bishop
    Accounting Clerk/Accounts Payable
    (661) 256-5000 x 1130
    Joanna Herrera
    Payroll Technician
    (661) 256-5000 x 1110 
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